For example, the other day I drove through town to get to work instead of taking the highway. Yes, it took longer to get to work but it was worth it to be able to turn onto different streets and pass different buildings. This may not seem exciting at all but it is amazing how refreshing it was to change up that little routine in my life. OR I rebel against routine that people try and place on me. For example: my boss encourages everyone to wear yellow on Mondays to make Mondays a happier day. I did this for a few weeks until I realized that I hated the routine of it so one Monday I wore black.... mwahaha!
However, one routine in my life that I love and have no desire to change up anytime soon is my evening walk. Lennie (my dog) and I embark on a walk through the neighborhood every night around 8. I put on some good tunes and stroll through the streets bobbing my head and smiling at the neighbors. I see the same neighbors every night on my walk and I love it. There are the two elderly couples that sit in lawn chairs on their driveway and talk all night until it gets dark. There is the old Indian woman who walks slower than any human I've ever seen before but hey! at least she is out moving... and she does it all while wearing very colorful saris (which I love.) There is a dad with three kids that bike ride every night. And they all wear matching red helmets... precious! And there is my neighbor who sits in his driveway smoking pot all night with his friend... not as precious. But still, I love my evening walk and the people that share it with me.
So, although routine drives me crazy and causes me to wear my Richard Simmons shirt to work every once in awhile because I can no longer stand my 'work clothes'.... I have learned to make sure my life includes routines that make me happy because otherwise... what is the point?!