Thursday, May 14, 2009


Praise the Lord, i just took my last german test EVER! I have had four long semesters with german. Four long classes that equal 19 credit hours of german total.

I just took my german final and it was.... interesting. Our teacher sent us a studyguide online and when i opened it to look at it, it said: you cannot study for this final. either you know the information or you dont.


that's helpful...

So, I have no idea how I did on the final. but hopefully I did average. I'm hoping for the best!

As much as I am relieved to never again have to take a german test, write a german paper, memorize german vocabulary or sit through a class where a teacher asks you a question and all you can do is stare at her because you dont know what she said, I will also greatly miss german. For some strange, I love the german language. That's probably why I took 4 classes of it.

I love knowing how to speak another language. Right now I am at my prime when it comes to speaking german. I have peaked, if you will. I speak, hear and write german quite fluently and I'm sad that everyday I spend away from german class, I'll be losing some of my german skills.

If ya don't use it then ya lose it.

Maybe this means i should travel to germany?!


Chris said...

do it. travel before you forget what Fremdsprache means, or what it is.

Unknown said...

german skills?! you can't even say "i love you" correctly in german!

Unknown said...

i think you should write a blog about how much westmoreland has changed your life!!