Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Damn economy

I hate internship hunting. It is absolutely impossible to find one these days. As I was getting on here to write a blog about how hard it is to find one, I saw that tricia had just written a post about it too.
That is proof that it is next to impossible to find one. I am starting to get stressed about it.... like really stressed.

Remain calm.

*this a record for shortest time between my blog posts.
Your welcome :)


Anonymous said...


if you are ever going to find an internship, you will need to know the difference between "your" and "you're"

yes, i am the grammar police.

no i don't capitalize words in blog comments.

yes, i love you.

and the aardvarks.

Unknown said...

Kelsie, come now, your search will be fine. Sure, you and Tricia are both looking for one, but don't buy all that crap about the economy and job losses. Ok, so it's not crap, but my point is, there is stuff out there, and you're going to track one down. Start papering the city with your resume, call everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. Then've probably already done that.

Out of curiosity...what would be an internship you were interested in?

Kelsie said...

kristen, thankyou for the grammar shoutout. I also tend to be the grammar police so i'm a little ashamed that I didn't catch that myself!