Alright folks, this is the moment you've been waiting for.... i'm updating my blog!!
Hmm. What's new in my life?
a.) I finally got an internship! with kstate athletics! as did Tricia! this is good news for many reasons: the internship is durinng the school year so I can still work at KDOT this summer (yay?). Also, I can go to all the football and basketball games for free so I dont have to buy any tickets this year.
b.) The lady Aardvarks lost their first soccer game the other night. but we're still in the playoffs so no biggie. We duel it out tonight in the first playoff game.
c.) My mom and my Nana are coming to visit me this Friday. Which means I need to clean my room. Gotta keep up appearances for Nana!
d.) I am out of food right now. I have nothing to eat. All I want is some sandwich bread and some chips. I have stuff to put on the bread... just no bread. And i'm out of POP!! Clearly, I'm living in a state of destruction.
e.) I have tons of projects and papers and test to cram in sometime in the next 7 days. and really just not enough time to do it. But i'm sure you can all relate.
f.) my parents are re-doing our basement. my brother used to live in the basement and so things got really weird and smelly down there. but he moved out and so now we are completely re-doing it. New paint, new carpet, new furniture, the whole works. My parents are making it music themed (they would...). I think there is going to be shag carpet. And record covers on the walls. How groovy of them.
Well that's all I've got for now. Don't expect many posts from me this summer. Not because I'll be too busy having fun adventures. But because I'll i have absolutely nothing to write about.
Unless you want to read a post about how we got new pens at work and it was really exciting.
So jealous!
Keep me updated on office pens. You know I'll appreciate it. ;)
I could have sworn I commented on this already. Guess not..
Yes, I also ask the question, "why is everyone in my family so smart?!" And yes, I do have a stupidity complex.
And I love shag carpet.
You're my number one, don't forget that.
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