Tuesday, September 22, 2009

As of late...

Sam was right. The blog post that had 'disappeared' was actually in my drafts. But I'm not going to post it now because all the info is old news and irrelevant.
But brownie points to sam for figuring that out!

Hmmm what is going on in my life right now:

I need to go to the dentist. I think a filling fell out and my tooth hurts because of it. I need to get it refilled otherwise, as my mom said: "your tooth will fall out"....

On the Saturday of Fall Break, a friend of the Dawson Family is throwing a party called 'Fall Festival' in Topeka. And my dad's band is performing. It should be quite the spectacle. The man throwing the party has a long curly mullet... and there is going to be inflatable things there.
My dad told me I am invited to come and should feel free to bring friends with me.
Who's in?

Pet peeve: I think it is very rude when people start packing up early in class before the teacher is done talking. It drives me crazy. I hope none of you faithful blog readers out there do this!

Well. That's all I have to report for now. Sorry this was all over the place.
I will leave you with these closing remarks:

Here is the only video I have of my dad performing. It was taken at my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. The picture is super dark and the sound quality is terrible. Plus the guy filming it was sitting next to my Grandpa (who was singing-a-long) so all you can really hear is my grandpa singing the whole time. You can't actually see or hear my dad's band.
I figured it was better than nothing though?


Unknown said...

I'm glad you found your blog post, but sorry that we can't enjoy its brilliance.

Hope your dad rocks out hard!

Unknown said...

yeah i'm with sam, i want the missing blog post, too!!