Monday, September 28, 2009

I Love Lucy

Just got back from the class with the chipotle give-a-way. Tonight she chose the winner by saying a random number. And if our seat had that number, then we won! She said number 73.... I was seat number 70. SO CLOSE!! Why didn't I sit 3 seats over?!
She said she has a bunch of gift certificates to chipotle as well, so she'll start handing them out.
If... no, WHEN, I get one. I promise to take you.

Tonight in class I learned that men have a fear of rejection.
Guys, is this true? If so, that poses a problem considering that females expect you to make the first move.
Take my advice on this one: Don't ever let the fear of rejection stop you.
OR if a sports analogy is more up your alley, then this could be applied as well: you will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

On another note, here is a little nugget of information you may not know about me. Since I was a small child, I have LOVED the tv show "I Love Lucy". On Saturday nights they used to have 3 hours of Lucy. It was 2 episodes of I Love Lucy, one (hour long) episode of the Lucy/Desi Comedy hour, and 2 episodes of the Lucy Show. It was heaven for me. I remember in particular one birthday of mine fell on a Saturday. and i was soooo excited because it meant I got to spend my birthday watching Lucy. Which for me, was the perfect way to spend a day. So, even though many of you may not enjoy the show. Here is a little clip from one of her more famous episodes.
Enjoy :) (I know I did/still do!!)


Chris said...

it is true, men do have a fear of rejection.

While the sports analogy does put a little perspective on it. In all fairness though, love is more than a game.

I, at least, appreciate your words of encouragement. Though I will, say, with all respect that can be conveyed over the blogosphere, that you have no first-hand experience making the first move with a member of the opposite sex and a girl, at the same time. (Unless, something else is happening...) I'm not at all saying that your view is wrong. It's just that coming from a woman, those words have far less impact that coming from a fellow man.

Just as men don't have personal experience a whole myriad of other things that women are fully-versed in, neither can a woman fully understand the forces at work.

In some things I'm convinced, equality between genders simply doesn't and cannot exist. Similarity perhaps...

(Kelsie, I really do hope this comes off as candid, yet respectful of what I assume you're meaning. It's definitely a blog-worthy topic. (And Lucy, as well.) I would very much like to re-word my response, but I'm at 2% battery and very sleepy.)

Unknown said...

Real men don't feel.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i believe that guys and girls should have equal rights. it's time the injustices of gender profiling were felt no more! why should guys have to make the first move all the time? i say, 'no more!'

Anonymous said...

Guys definitely fear rejection...
to THE max.

Let's all be feminists like Brian. That'll make things all better. :)