Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blog rant

Here is my rant for the day. Sorry if it is a little negative. but I figured it is better for me to complain via blog then complain to you all in person (where you would be forced to listen). agreed?

Today for my MC research class, we got divided into focus groups and got to talk about everything that is wrong with K-State's Journalism and Mass Communications School.
It was wonderful.

There were about 15 students from the JMC school in my group and we just got to sit there and bash the JMC school. Which to some of you may sound harsh, but believe me, it was necessary.

We got to complain about out of date teachers that dont know how to use the software we use in classes and therefore have other students come to class to teach it. we talked about mean office staff (tricia: you know who i'm talking about), that everyone wants to get rid of. we talked about how our classes dont prepare us for the workforce at all and we gave them a long list of things that we would like to see changed, added, removed, etc. from the JMC school.

Unfortunately, it is a little late for me to see many of these changes. I will graduate before much change is completed. However, it feels dang good to let out your frustrations after spending 3 years in a JMC school that is from the stone age.

Fun JMC story: tricia and i are in a class together this semester that is taught by an old man that has clearly not updated his curriculum since 1990. he showed us a video that was literally from 1990, and then a fews week later... he showed it again! we had to watch the same video twice. and he didn't even realize it. (a great use of my time and tuition money)

I dont ever want to watch a video that is 20 years old... let alone, watch it twice.


Sara said...

That's good they asked you to vent your frustrations. I took it upon myself to give a DOOZY of a review on my exit survey. ...although from the sound of it, I don't think it did much good...waaaah waaaah. hah.a

Also, while I thank you for your support, somehow the fact that your mom almost bought the same (maternity) jacket as me hardly makes me feel any better.

I'm not pregnant...but I'm not middle-aged either. hahaha.

I'll just pretend you have a really hip mom. (which could quite possibly be true)


4 single girls..telling their stories. said...

just wait until i have my focus group JMC School.

nicely put blog post.