Sunday, December 6, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
15 hours
Here is a breakdown of how these 15 hours have been spent:
5 sleeping
6 working with 2 different groups on group projects that are looming.
2 working on individual homework
2 unpacking/showering/reading
= 15 hours total.
Break is over and school is back. And I am in ultimate crunch mode. I will be spending all of my time working on school. So, if you are too then feel free to join me!
On a good note though: I have rediscovered reese's sticks. Does anyone remember these?? They are delicious. I totally forgot they existed until I won some playing white elephant bingo with my family.

Yes, we play white elephant bingo. And yes, I won candy, potholders and a knife set.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good things in my life
1.) Christmas: For the first time since I was in grade school, I have made a Christmas wish list. I was supposed to be studying but found it to be overrated so I made a really cool wish list on the computer (that includes clipart… and word art!).
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dear Future Husband,

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Karma is a b*tch
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Grandpa love
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Apathetic State of Mind
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Simple pleasures
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Love Lucy
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
As of late...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Better luck next time
Probably cyberspace.
I'm sorry.
I tried to update this but blogger failed me.
I guess you could call it a fail blog!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Is it okay to pray for free chipotle?
I used to be one of those people that always stayed up until about 1 am during the week. But this year I have been averaging a 10:00 bedtime. What's wrong with me?!
In other news:
In of my classes there is a fun give-away that happens every week (this class only meets on Mondays). There is a giant cardboard 'box', wrapped in foil and shaped like a chipotle burrito that my teacher has. And every week, my teacher draws a name of someone in the class and that person wins the giant 'burrito'. Which means that if you take the burrito into chipotle, then you and a friend each get free burritos!
This past Monday, I unfortunately did not win. A girl from my high school did... BUT I have hope. We have 13 class periods left. I'm bound to win... right?!
If I win, I have to pick a friend to come get free burritos with me.
Feel free to bribe me so that I'll pick you.
Friday, August 28, 2009
And so it begins...
but I figure its probably time for an update.
well the new school year is upon us and I must admit, i'm not thrilled. This is the first year of college that I really didn't want to start classes. Senior year is very weird and I'm feeling all kinds of emotions... many of which are contradictory to each other.
So how do i cope?
Try not to think about things. Trust in the Lord always. and focus on the here and now. I like to enjoy each day and not allow myself to get bogged down by too many things.
I'm a pretty simple girl... and I'm okay with that.
Here is a list of good things about Senior Year (so far):
1. I started the year off with a return trip to Colorado with my favorite people. and it was wonderful. So hard to come back. but I'm glad we went and can't wait till we all travel together again!
2. My internship. As i have spent more time working for my internship, i've really grown to enjoy it. I like a lot of the people and I genuinely enjoy most of the work. the experience it provides me is going to be awesome when i'm job hunting in the (very) near future.
3. Pulling rank. I love dropping the ole' "i'm a senior" thing when i want to establish rank amongst peers, adults, etc.
4. I really like all of my classes except for one... that being Law of Mass Comm. but I figure 4 out of 5 ain't bad (pardon my use of ain't. it was for literary effect)
Well that's really all I have going on right now. I am relieved to be done with the first week of class and am happy to begin the weekend. I have skillfully avoided having to work at all this weekend so I am a free bird!
Let's play.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Great Pencil Protest of 09'
And if you thought I was kidding when I said the only thing I would have to report this summer is about office pens at work.... I was serious. (the following story is pretty long, but if you are bored, you should read it. Its a classic day in the office!):
This summer when I returned to KDOT I went into the supply room to get a pencil. Now, KDOT normally has these maroon mechanical pencils that I absolutely love but I when I went in there to get one... they were no where to be found. They had been replaced by a black mechanical pencil that was, in my opinion, a shotty piece of craftmanship.
So, being the good employee that I am, I took the new black pencil, walked back to my cube and didn't question as to where my old favorite pencils had gone.
A few weeks later we got an email from the receptionist Mike (whom I like to call the manceptionist) explaining that we were allowed to cast a vote as to whether we liked the maroon pencils or the black pencils better. The pencil with the most votes would become the permanent KDOT pencil.
I immediately cast a vote for the maroon pencil and started asking my surrounding cube mates what pencil they were in favor of. A few of us got to talking and I realized that I was not alone in my dislike for the black pencil. There were others out there who also loved the maroon and wanted nothing more than to see its return to KDOT.
Jokingly, my cube mate and I suggested that we must protest the black pencil by staging a sit-in in the supply room until our demands were met.
A lady that sits next to us said, "yea that's a great idea! or we could make maroon arm bands and wear them around the office in support of the maroon pencil".
We all laughed but none of us took the idea as serious.
However, 20 minutes later that lady came into our cube holding maroon strips of paper and said to us, "give me your arm. I've got armbands."
Needless to say, my 2 cube mates and I each grabbed a maroon strip of paper and taped it around our arms to show our support of the maroon pencil. I also saw others in our unit walking around with maroon armbands, as well.
So, that was it. The office had officially been split into two groups:
The maroon supporters... and everyone else. You could feel the tension in the air!
We were all very confident that our display of support for the maroon pencil would persuade others to vote for it and therefore, KDOT would once again supply us with the maroon pencils we so greatly desired!
However, about 2 hours after our whole armband protest began, we received an email from the manceptionist saying, "alright, I just checked with our supplier and looks like the maroon pencil has been discontinued. Black wins by default"
After receiving the email we all ripped off our maroon armbands and tossed them in the trash. It was as if the whole thing had never happened.
But for me, the Great Pencil Protest of 09' will forever be a day I remember.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I just took my german final and it was.... interesting. Our teacher sent us a studyguide online and when i opened it to look at it, it said: you cannot study for this final. either you know the information or you dont.
that's helpful...
So, I have no idea how I did on the final. but hopefully I did average. I'm hoping for the best!
As much as I am relieved to never again have to take a german test, write a german paper, memorize german vocabulary or sit through a class where a teacher asks you a question and all you can do is stare at her because you dont know what she said, I will also greatly miss german. For some strange, I love the german language. That's probably why I took 4 classes of it.
I love knowing how to speak another language. Right now I am at my prime when it comes to speaking german. I have peaked, if you will. I speak, hear and write german quite fluently and I'm sad that everyday I spend away from german class, I'll be losing some of my german skills.
If ya don't use it then ya lose it.
Maybe this means i should travel to germany?!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sports, Bread and Shag Carpet
Hmm. What's new in my life?
a.) I finally got an internship! with kstate athletics! as did Tricia! this is good news for many reasons: the internship is durinng the school year so I can still work at KDOT this summer (yay?). Also, I can go to all the football and basketball games for free so I dont have to buy any tickets this year.
b.) The lady Aardvarks lost their first soccer game the other night. but we're still in the playoffs so no biggie. We duel it out tonight in the first playoff game.
c.) My mom and my Nana are coming to visit me this Friday. Which means I need to clean my room. Gotta keep up appearances for Nana!
d.) I am out of food right now. I have nothing to eat. All I want is some sandwich bread and some chips. I have stuff to put on the bread... just no bread. And i'm out of POP!! Clearly, I'm living in a state of destruction.
e.) I have tons of projects and papers and test to cram in sometime in the next 7 days. and really just not enough time to do it. But i'm sure you can all relate.
f.) my parents are re-doing our basement. my brother used to live in the basement and so things got really weird and smelly down there. but he moved out and so now we are completely re-doing it. New paint, new carpet, new furniture, the whole works. My parents are making it music themed (they would...). I think there is going to be shag carpet. And record covers on the walls. How groovy of them.
Well that's all I've got for now. Don't expect many posts from me this summer. Not because I'll be too busy having fun adventures. But because I'll i have absolutely nothing to write about.
Unless you want to read a post about how we got new pens at work and it was really exciting.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Peaceful Easy Feeling
The Lord has placed a feeling of peace within me and it is so satisfying.
I feel open and ready to new possibilities.
I guess what I’m trying to say is… everything’s right.
(yes, that was a Matt Wertz shout out)
And for an extra special treat, here is a little something that I’ve been spending a lot of time with lately. If you know me well then you know that I can spend endless hours, just laying on my bed listening to music. Its one of my favorite things to do and is where I get my best thinking done.
These past few days I have been listening to this on repeat. I always have one song that I listen to constantly for a few weeks because it fits with my mood at the time. And right now, this is it.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
1.) I have been eating a lot of grapes lately. to the point where they make my stomach hurt... I'm wondering what the nutritonal value of grapes is?
2.) I have an interview on Monday for an internship! and I need to get an interview outfit. All of my appropriate interview clothes are from high school and do not fit properly anymore.
3.) The (baby) Aardvarks still have not won a game. Let alone, scored a goal. Kristen and I are beginning to wonder if it is a result of bad coaching on our part...
4.) The (Lady) Aardvarks are 3-0 and have made it to the playoffs! I'm hoping to earn my first ever intramural champions t-shirt. wish us luck!
5.) FARM DAY IS THIS WEEKEND and I am more than excited! especially because we get to spend some time in wonderful Topeka and eat at Olive Garden!! (i love breadsticks!)
peace, love and breadsticks,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Blog rant
Today for my MC research class, we got divided into focus groups and got to talk about everything that is wrong with K-State's Journalism and Mass Communications School.
It was wonderful.
There were about 15 students from the JMC school in my group and we just got to sit there and bash the JMC school. Which to some of you may sound harsh, but believe me, it was necessary.
We got to complain about out of date teachers that dont know how to use the software we use in classes and therefore have other students come to class to teach it. we talked about mean office staff (tricia: you know who i'm talking about), that everyone wants to get rid of. we talked about how our classes dont prepare us for the workforce at all and we gave them a long list of things that we would like to see changed, added, removed, etc. from the JMC school.
Unfortunately, it is a little late for me to see many of these changes. I will graduate before much change is completed. However, it feels dang good to let out your frustrations after spending 3 years in a JMC school that is from the stone age.
Fun JMC story: tricia and i are in a class together this semester that is taught by an old man that has clearly not updated his curriculum since 1990. he showed us a video that was literally from 1990, and then a fews week later... he showed it again! we had to watch the same video twice. and he didn't even realize it. (a great use of my time and tuition money)
I dont ever want to watch a video that is 20 years old... let alone, watch it twice.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Soccer Frenzy!
The (baby) Aardvarks, which is the little boys team that Kristen and I coach, had their second game of the season tonight. The final score was 0-0 which is an improvement from the 5-0 beating they received last week. Plus, our boys dominated most of the time. Just couldn’t score a goal! This game was much more physical than our first. Multiple injuries. But our boys took them like men. They all earned a man card tonight!
All of you need to come watch a game sometime. Seriously. It is so hilarious. You won’t regret coming. We have a game on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. BE THERE!… or else!
Once the (baby) Aardvarks game was over, I had to take off my coach’s cap and put on my player’s cap. I had my first intramural indoor soccer game of the season tonight. Kristen is also on this team with me, along with Katie and some other fabulous ladies (we are also called the Aardvarks….. Confusing? Deal with it).
I think we were all a little nervous before the game. For most of us, it had been a few years since we really played but we did great! We won 5-1. But we scored on ourselves so really it doesn’t count. Let’s call it 5-0, yes?
It felt GREAT to be playing again. Just like riding a bike! Although, I definitely noticed that some of my foot skills weren’t what they used to be, nor was my stamina. I am old and not in shape like I used to be!
You are all welcome to come watch us play, as well! However, we might not be as entertaining as the little guys. But if we make it to the playoffs then I’ll expect some fans to be rooting us on!
Monday, March 30, 2009

Too bad the Aardvark is a hideous looking animal.
Fun fact: the Aardvark is a nocturnal mammal that can suck up close to 50,000 ants in one night. YUM!
I expect all of you faithful blogger readers out there to attend at least one Aardvark game this season. I mean, who wouldn't love to come watch Kristen and I wear matching t-shirts and "yell" at little boys?!
See you all tomorrow night. 7 pm. Griffith Park,
*FMOMD: Kristen and I started a new tradition tonight, of taking a jog around Cico park after practice and it was a great decision. Perfect way to work in a nice workout. I've missed running!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ask and you shall receive
I woke up this morning with 3 very promising leads in my internship hunt!! Just yesterday I was writing an angry blog about how its impossible to find one right now and then... bam! today I have options. Who knew my blog held such power?!
(Or maybe its because I really prayed about it last night.... ahh the power of prayer!)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Damn economy
That is proof that it is next to impossible to find one. I am starting to get stressed about it.... like really stressed.
Remain calm.
*this a record for shortest time between my blog posts.
Your welcome :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
I sit down at my (desktop...) computer and stare at the screen. My mind goes blank. Its terrible.
Thus, my lack of blogging and plea for help.
Someone should come up with blog ideas for me and I will write about them. Deal?
Well as I'm sure everyone knows, I went on a trip to Colorado over spring break. It was myself, kristen, brian and sam. And it was wonderful! You've probably already heard all the details about it, read other blogs, and seen pictures so I won't bore you with that. All I will say is that it was an awesome trip with a perfect group of people and I want to thank them for being such great traveling buddies!
Other quick updates on the exciting life of Kelsie:
- finding an internship for the summer is easier said than done.
- my family is in the market for a new dog which means several trips to the Humane Society, walking through aisles of cages with barking dogs and weird smells...
- kristen and I are coaching a 1st/2nd grade boys soccer team and tomorrow is our first practice. Wish us luck!
- it looks like Spring is upon us and i'm so excited. Who's up for joining me in some outdoor activities?!
peace, love and Colorado,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thanks for nothing Oprah
I do not nap. I'm not a napper. I dont like it. esepcially because if I nap for more than 20 mins, i can't sleep later.
WELL, today i was snuggled up on the couch, watching some Oprah and around 4:30 I accidentally fell asleep. and slept for 2 HOURS. before jena found me and woke me up. PTL!
so now its 3:15. and i cant sleep because of my stupid nap. and i'm really angry. i'm doing that thing people recommend where you get out of bed for a while and do something else. and then return to bed to try and sleep again.
I guess Oprah's show wasn't entertaining enough to keep me awake earlier... thanks for nothing Oprah.
peace, love and not Oprah,
Friday, January 16, 2009
I am the Tinman
School is back upon us and for the first time since entering college, i was not looking forward to it at all. Winter break was pretty boring for me. just working 8 hours a day in my cubicle and going to bed at 10 everynight. I'm someone that if allowed to, i can be a huge homebody. I spent every single night alone, watching tv online and i loved every minute of it. Now, i am adjusting to having to be social again. but its good for me. otherwise i will turn into the old lady that lives alone with 25 cats. (ah, what a life that would be!)
Goal for the semester: try and be a little less mean/cold-hearted/souless. People keep claiming that I am cold-hearted and often mean. And they're probably correct. although, i'm not like that with everyone. I just have a low tolerance for certain people and certain situations. Sometimes I can be very caring! But never the less, i do agree, that I could be more caring. So, i'm going to try and be nicer this semester. Maybe chip away at this heart of stone of mine. I don't want to be an Ice Queen! I feel like the Tinman from the Wizard of Oz... "if i only had a heart!" But bear with me, because it will take baby steps. (HAS ANYONE SEEN THE MOVIE "WHAT ABOUT BOB"?!)
really, i think what i need to get me back in the swing of things is a good ole' fashioned dance party. i just need to dance the night away. feel the music bumpin'. that's all i need :)
i love you all.
peace, love and reality tv,
FMOMD: my women's studies teacher wore a skirt to class that barely covered her butt. and she wore a black choker from 1992. the 90's are alive and well and I'm fully prepared to embrace it.